Historical Eau Claire Precipitation Data

View long-term precipitation data for Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Precipitation is any type of liquid or frozen water that falls to the Earth and can include rain, hail, sleet, or snow. Eau Claire averages 32.99 inches of precipitation per year, based on the 1991-2020 climate normals. June is typically the wettest month (4.83 inches) and January is typically the driest month (1.03 inches). Notable records for Eau Claire include:

  • Record one-day precipitation (rainfall): 5.98 inches (September 10, 2000)
  • Wettest month: 11.64 inches (August 1980)
  • Wettest year: 53.27 inches (1938)
  • Driest year: 16.71 inches (1910)

Note: The record calendar-day precipitation total doesn’t necessarily equal the record 24-hour total.

Daily and Annual Precipitation

View daily precipitation for Eau Claire, Wisconsin, from 1893 to the present day, using combined data from the stations at the Eau Claire city weather bureau office (January 1893–September 1949) and Chippewa Valley Regional Airport (October 1949–present). This chart shows the daily and total precipitation compared with the normal total precipitation. The vertical lines and left axis represent the daily precipitation; the horizontal lines and right axis represent the yearly total and normal precipitation.

Move your mouse over the chart to see specific data points. Click and drag to zoom in on the chart.

Tap anywhere in the chart to see specific data points. Pinch to zoom in or out on the chart. Rotating your device horizontally may make the chart easier to read.

Download the complete record of precipitation data (CSV)

Seven-Day Summary

Date Precipitation (in.) Total Year to Date Normal Year to Date

T = trace (less than 0.005 inches of rain or less than 0.05 inches of snow)
M = missing data

Single-Day, Monthly, and Yearly Record Precipitation

Top 10 Wettest Days

Precipitation (in.) Date

Top 10 Wettest Months

Precipitation (in.) Date

Top 10 Wettest Years

Precipitation (in.) Date

Top 10 Driest Years

Precipitation (in.) Date

Days of Measurable Precipitation

This chart shows the annual number of days per year where there was at least 0.01 inch of precipitation.

Move your mouse over the chart to see specific data points. Click and drag to zoom in on the chart.

Tap anywhere in the chart to see specific data points. Pinch to zoom in or out on the chart. Rotating your device horizontally may make the chart easier to read.

Days of at Least 1 Inch of Precipitation

This chart shows the annual number of days per year where there was at least 1 inch of precipitation.

Move your mouse over the chart to see specific data points. Click and drag to zoom in on the chart.

Tap anywhere in the chart to see specific data points. Pinch to zoom in or out on the chart. Rotating your device horizontally may make the chart easier to read.