View recent weather and climate for Wisconsin from the last seven days to 12 months, including temperatures, precipitation, and departures from normals.
On this page:
- Monthly climate summaries
- 24-hour to 90-day temperature, precipitation, and snowfall maps
- Daily climate data by location
- First-order station data (Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Eau Claire, La Crosse, Wausau)
- Monthly statewide, temperature, precipitation, and snowfall maps
- 12-month statewide average temperature, precipitation, and snowfall charts
- 12-month divisional average temperature, precipitation, and snowfall charts
- Temperature and precipitation anomalies by location
- Monthly statewide and divisional modified growing degree days
Monthly Climate Summaries

Annual 2024 Climate Summary

December 2024 Climate Summary

Autumn 2024 Climate Summary
Recent Climate Data
View temperature, precipitation and snowfall maps from the last 24 hours through the last 90 days.
Daily Climate Data by Location
View daily temperature, precipitation, snow, and heating/cooling degree day data from National Weather Service reporting stations across Wisconsin.
First-Order Station Data
View climate data for Wisconsin’s first-order cities, so named because they have weather and climate data reporting stations based at airports operated by the National Weather Service (NWS) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). These stations offer more detailed data than the volunteer cooperative observer network.
Monthly Statewide Maps
View monthly maps showing temperature, precipitation and snowfall data from 2005 to present.
Statewide 12-Month Averages
View charts showing statewide averages for temperature, precipitation, and snowfall over the last 12 months, and see comparisons with the 1991-2020 climate normals.
Divisional 12-Month Averages
View temperature and precipitation data for the last 12 months for Wisconsin’s nine climate divisions, and see comparisons with the 1991-2020 climate normals.
Climate Anomalies
View tables and charts showing monthly temperature and precipitation averages and departures from normal.
Monthly Statewide and Divisional Modified Growing Degree Days
View charts showing monthly and total modified growing degree day units, which are used to estimate the growth and development of plants and insects during the growing season.