Daily Climate Data By Location

Find daily temperature, precipitation, snow, and heating/cooling degree day data from stations across Wisconsin. The map includes monitoring locations from both the cooperative observer daily climate network and the National Weather Service/Federal Aviation Administration automated hourly airport network.

View a text version of these data from the National Weather Service.

Also check out the interactive map from the Wisconsin Environmental Mesonet (Wisconet), a growing network of weather and soil monitoring stations across Wisconsin.

The data table includes a search box you can use to narrow down specific dates. Examples of useful searches include:

  • Any single day: YYYY-MM-DD
  • Every day for a year: YYYY
  • Every day for a month: YYYY-MM
  • “On this day” comparisons: MM-DD

Key: T = trace (less than 0.005 inches of rain, less than 0.05 inches of snowfall, or less than 0.5 inches of snow depth) | M = missing | Blank = unknown

Note that data may take up to a minute to load or export. The heating- and cooling-degree day base temperature is 65 degrees.

Date High
Precipitation Snow Snow depth Heating
degree days
degree days