La Crosse Climate Data

View annual and daily climate information for La Crosse, Wisconsin, using data from the station at La Crosse Regional Airport. This station has collected temperature, precipitation, and snow data since April 1938.

On this page:

Climate Normals

This chart shows temperature, precipitation, and snowfall averaged over the 30-year period from 1991 to 2020. These averages, known as climate normals, help us determine if the current weather is warmer, cooler, or wetter than normal.

The left axis on this chart shows temperatures, and the right axis shows precipitation and snowfall.

Variable Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
Maximum Temperature 27.4 32.5 45.6 59.6 72 81.7 85.4 83.2 75.5 61.6 45.8 32.6 58.6
Minimum Temperature 10.5 14.2 26 38.4 50.1 60.4 64.5 62.3 54.1 41.9 29.5 17.6 39.1
Mean Temperature 18.9 23.3 35.8 49 61 71 75 72.8 64.8 51.7 37.6 25.1 48.8
Precipitation 1.25 1.19 2.04 3.75 4.33 5.08 4.23 3.9 3.63 2.49 1.85 1.49 35.23
Snowfall 11.8 9.7 7.3 2.9 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 3.4 10.9 46.3
Heating degree days (base 65) 1427 1166 907 486 181 24 3 8 105 422 821 1237 6788
Cooling degree days (base 65) 0 0 1.3 6.4 59 206 311 248 99 12 0 0 942


This chart shows the daily high and low temperatures for the current year compared with the average temperatures based on the 1991-2020 climate normals. The bumpy lines are the observed temperatures; the smooth lines are the normal temperatures.

Click and drag anywhere on the chart to zoom in on specific data points.

View historical temperature data (1872-present)

A Closer Look at Temperatures

These charts show the observed daily temperature, the average temperature based on the 1991-2020 climate normals, and range of temperature extremes. The range of extremes shows the highest and lowest high temperature and highest and lowest low temperature since April 1, 1938. This helps determine if the temperature for a given day is unusually hot or cold.


This chart shows the daily and total precipitation amounts for the current year, as well as comparisons with the 1991-2020 climate normals and driest and wettest years since April 1, 1938.

The left axis on this chart shows the single-day precipitation amount, and the right axis shows the year-to-date accumulated precipitation.

Click and drag anywhere on the chart to zoom in on specific data points.

View historical precipitation data (1872-present)


This chart shows the daily and total snowfall for the current year, snow depth, and comparisons with the 1991-2020 climate normals. Note that snowfall (the amount of new snow accumulation) is different from snow depth (the amount of new and old snow on the ground at a given time). Although the “snow season” technically runs from July 1 to June 30, this chart starts when the season’s first snowfall has occurred.

The left axis on this chart shows the single-day snowfall amount, and the right axis shows the season-to-date accumulated snowfall and snow depth.

Click and drag anywhere on the chart to zoom in on specific data points.

View historical snowfall data (1896-present)

Degree Days

These charts show daily and total heating, cooling, and freezing degree days for the current year or season. The heating and cooling days also include comparisons with the 1991-2020 climate normals. The heating and cooling degree days use 65 degrees as the base temperature; the freezing degree days use 32 degrees.

Degree days are the difference between the average daily temperature and 65 (for heating and cooling degree days) or 32 (for freezing degree days). If the average temperature is above 65 degrees, it’s a cooling degree day; if it’s below 65, it’s a heating degree day. If the average is below 32, it’s a freezing degree day.

The left axis on these charts shows the single-day degree days, and the right axis shows the season- or year-to-date accumulated degree days.

Click and drag anywhere on the chart to zoom in on specific data points.

View historical heating degree data (1872-present)

Click and drag anywhere on the chart to zoom in on specific data points.

View historical cooling degree data (1873-present)

Click and drag anywhere on the chart to zoom in on specific data points.

View historical freezing degree data (1872-present)